Process your emotions.

Recover your clarity and vision.

Increase your creative flow.

Coaching with

Courtney Lancaster

Creative Health Coaching

For the highly motivated actor, performer, musician, in the studio or on the stage.

The need for sustainable emotional health in the creative sphere is often neglected in pursuit of excellence and mastery of the craft. My aim is to help you understand your unique nervous system in regards to your art and life, so that you can learn the role your stuck emotions are causing in the tension between you and your artistic passion.

A body that feels safe is a body that can freely create without procrastinating, self doubt, or self-sabotage. When you understand how to help your body feel safe, the stuckness around your creative expression fades, and balance can be brought to your entire life. This increases your toleration for success on all levels. I’ve worked with dozens of artists and performers and honestly, this is my own personal passion: to free the creatives so they can put their work out into the world and inspire others to step into their authentic selves. Let your brilliant self shine, the way you know you were meant to.

Compassion Method Coaching

For those looking to understand themselves and ready to heal what’s in the way of them embodying the life they dream about. This individual coaching is available to anyone struggling with anxiety, depression, stuckness in life, relationship anxiety, or a sense of confusion about identity and the path forward. We will partner together to help you understand the protective role your brain and body are taking to keep you safe and how to shift out of that self protection and into embodied safety, inspiration and creativity.

Compassion Method Coaching is an inner-healing modality created by Laura Duncan that includes a heavy emphasis on inner child work and self-compassion so that you can resolve trauma and move forward.* It is foundational to the work I do with clients, in addition to Polyvagal Theory and nervous system regulation, all while cultivating a deep DEEP connection to the truth of who you are. Honestly there is so much good news in this work and I cannot wait to dive in with you so that you can find relief, peace and inspiration.

(I encourage you to look up Laura Duncan if you are curious about her work, as well as Polyvagal Theory, the nervous system, and a trauma informed approach to coaching!)

Band/Worship Team Consulting

It’s one thing to understand yourself, heal and move forward in your own life and creative pursuits. It is a completely different thing to gel as band.

Band consulting is something I am so excited to be able to do. With 20+ years of creating families out of worship teams, bands and performing ensembles, combined with my own training in trauma-informed coaching, I am able to offer deeply healing and bonding experiences to those united in any artistic pursuit. *

If you are struggling to communicate within your band or team, if there is disconnect, drama, or a sense of disengagement, I’d love to help repair what’s broken in the group and identify and restore what is missing. There is massive potential in groups that are connected by art and valuable opportunities for powerful relationship. It is possible to heal the dynamics at play if they are less than supportive and collaborative, and set the tone for connection and inspiration for anyone that enjoys they music or performance that comes from them.

*This coaching is offered in 2-3 day events presented to your band or team, live in person or online. Also available to guest lead at church services in addition to worship team coaching, if desired.

What People Are Saying

“Working with Courtney drastically changed my life. When I found her, I was in a stagnant + stuck space of DEEP sadness. A complete funk. At the time, I didn't even have the words or energy to articulate my emotions. I felt like a walking zombie-- heavy, hurting, and hopeless. Contrary to my typical, optimistic nature--I, unfortunately, could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. And then came Courtney...

She helped me change my mindset around the  daunting process of healing. Courtney armed me with tools to help me overcome my flood of (at the time, very frightening) emotions and my fear of vulnerability. Additionally, she encouraged me to become more aware and accepting of every single PART of me and grow in the skill of self-compassion.

Given my inquisitive nature, I appreciated Courtney's approach of thoughtfully teaching me the science behind the nervous system and understanding the "why" behind it all.

Courtney's passion and zest for healing + creativity is evident in her work/essence and it's quite infectious. Looking back at the person I was 5 months ago is like night and day. I feel more confident, excited, and more empowered than ever.

My only wish is that I would of found her sooner.”

— Amanda L.

“I was introduced to Courtney at a time when I had never felt more broken, hopeless, or alone.  My life felt out of control and I had no idea how to turn it around. At the end of my first session with Courtney I felt more hopeful than I had been in a LONG time!  Over the course of our time together we've talked about guilt, shame, vulnerability, grief, scarcity mindset, being uncomfortable being seen, and a big one for me - the fear of feeling alone.  Courtney not only helped me to heal my heart she taught me how to sit with my emotions and comfort them.  We've talked about abundance, rest, hope, and living our truth from a place of power. Courtney is a powerful, compassionate healer and I'm so grateful to her for helping me get my life back and to dare to dream again!”

— Katie W.

“In working with Courtney, I was infused with so much hope. I felt seen and supported through some really tough and dark moments. Her belief in me helped me a way out. She gave me tangible practices for for me to implement in between sessions. I felt her full presence with me. Her tenderness towards me helped me soften to tenderness towards myself. I am so grateful I got to work with Courtney. Coaching with her shaped me in ways I’m sure I’ll still be discovering and reaping the benefits from for the rest of my life! She is a gifted coach and healer. You want her in your corner as you walk through dark places and as you come through the other side, she will be cheering you on with genuine joy and love.”

— Claire L.